Package cyvis.gui

Class Summary
About A dialog to display the About for cyvis.
CyvisListCellRenderer The CyvisListCellRenderer Extends the DefaultListCellRenderer.
FileChooser The FileChooser class takes care of all the file dialog needs in cyvis.
LegendDialog Displays the legend for cyvis's chart panel.
PreferencesDialog The dialog that lets users change preferences.
ProgressBar A dialog with a progress bar indicating the progress of a metrics collection run.
ProjectDialog The dialog used to create a new project and edit an existing project.
ReportThread A seperate class the generates the reports the user wants in a seperate thead.
TablePane Generates a table that displays the metrics.
TreeRenderer Renders the tree structure to change the default icons.
TreeStructure A Class that holds the tree structure, displaying the project's packages and classes.